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Revive Wellness for Employers

Holistic Health Coaching + Pain Relief Exercise
for Organizational Health

T​hrough a customized blend of health modalities, we are helping individuals to reset, revive, and restore their bodies, while rejuvenating their minds to live an enjoyable life, free of pain. Revive Wellness is on a mission to empower YOU as an employer, and your employees each individually, to improve their own health and live a happier life! Your organization as a whole will benefit from greater well-being, productivity, and success.


Revive Wellness brings together integrated health practices for a holistic well-being experience:


  • Integrative Health Coaching

  • Nutrition Education

  • MELT Method Pain Relief Exercise


Revive Wellness offers a number of onsite services to help employers build a healthy and happy workforce.  Chronic pain greatly impacts an individual's ability to stay focused and to be productive at work or at home.  Ongoing pain can cause a great deal of frustration, stress, and even anxiety and depression. Our customized programs support the individual goals of your employees as well as your overall organization.

At Revive Wellness, we advise, guide and share in your journey to well-being ever step of the way.




Did you know?

Chronic pain and unhealthy
behaviors can cause:
  • Depression
  • Insomnia & fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of motivation
  • Irritable mood & behavior
  • Compromised communication
  • Tension
  • Poor health behaviors
... all of which can negatively impact workforce productivity and overall success.

Revive Wellness is especially great for employee populations in the following industries:

  • Hospitality and personal care services
  • Hospital workers and health professions where employees are on their feet for long hours
  • Manufacturing and industrial workforces
  • Construction & utility company employees
  • Employee workforces with long desk hours
  • Workforces with aging populations
  • Professions in Child Care services where lifting and physical demands are continuous

Our services are appropriate for most populations and demographics.


Did you know?

"...chronic pain affects up to 50 million Americans, most of whom work full-time."
- Florida State University, 2006

Seminars & Workshops

Onsite or


Revive Wellness offers a variety of on-site health seminars and workshops.  Our events are tailored to meet the needs of your unique employee workforce, organizational culture, and onsite facilities.  We aim to accomplish a great deal in the time we have with employees, educating and empowering them to continue what they learned on their own, at home.

  • MELT Method - Intro Workshop

  • MELT Method - Hand & Foot Pain Relief Workshop

  • MELT Method - 4 Week Series, Total Body Transformation

  • How to Kick The Sugar Habit

  • An Introduction to the Food Reset Process

  • Other topics available

12-Week Total Transformation Health Coaching Program

Onsite or


In this 12-week onsite offering, employees will benefit from:

  • 12 weeks of nutrition education and motivational content

  • Development of healthy behaviors

  • MELT Method pain relief self-care techniques

  • An understanding of how to be resilient when pain impacts daily life and happiness


Our offering is reasonably priced with intention of removing the hurdle of cost that can prevent individuals from bettering their well-being.  Participants can join via on-site live weekly group coaching sessions, or via telephonic and virtual webinar.  Weekly content and engagement e-mails will support participants in the time between group coaching sessions.

On-site MELT Method Classes


Revive Wellness would be happy to support your employees by providing regularly-occurring onsite MELT Method pain relief classes.  We can provide weekly, monthly, or ad-hoc classes and create a schedule that accommodates your unique workforce best.  Classes can be provided in simple onsite spaces.  MELT Method classes are appropriate for almost all populations, regardless of age, demographic, gender, or health status. 

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